Depressed kids or over-concerned Boomers? My review of the Anxious Generation
In this post I review Haidt's new book "The anxious generation"
In this post I review Haidt's new book "The anxious generation"
Häufig erhalte ich Presseanfragen zum Thema: Was sind Gefahren von sozialen Medien? Jüngst bekam ich eine E-Mail einer Schülerin, die mir für Ihre Seminararbeit...
I’m incredibly proud that University of Vienna selected my lecture “Media Effects” for this year’s teaching award. It was awarded in the...
I’ve recently written a thread on Twitter that, at least by my standards, got pretty viral. In the thread I discuss the topic of effect sizes. Specificall...
Recently, there has been a lot of talk about the effects of smartphones on mental health. For example, one was able to read the following: Rates of teen depress...