
Prof. Miriam Metzger, Prof. Sabine Trepte, Tobias Dienlin, Prof. Jens Vogelgesang, Prof. Nicole Krämer

I’m very glad to say that, by now, I have officially defended my thesis — hooray! It was a special day for me and, overall, just a great way to officially finish my time as a phd student.

First of all, I am very thankful for the support that I have received over the last few years by Sabine Trepte, the first advisor of my thesis. I feel very privileged that Nicole Krämer offered to be the second advisor of the thesis. I am very thankful that Jens Vogelgesang completed the committee of my dissertation. And, of course, I was especially excited that Miriam Metzger had the chance to visit us at Hohenheim during that week and could thus celebrate with us.

Thank you all!

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